Professionally Equipped Locksmiths
Locksmith Portland
always nearby

Emergency Locksmith Service

24/7 Locksmith Near Me

Fast emergency service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Whatever emergency you have-relax.

Portland Locksmith is just a phone call away from handling your crisis, be it residential, commercial or automotive. Count on us to help solve your lock or key related problems.

From the moment you call one of our friendly Portland Locksmith customer service representatives, we guarantee a 15-minute response time to your emergency.

Using our ultramodern computer response system, our customer service representative will immediately pass on your emergency request to the locksmith technician nearest you.

24/7 Locksmith Near Me

Our locksmith technicians respond swiftly and effectively to solve your problem!

Portland Locksmith offers you an extensive range of keys, locks and other security solutions-all guaranteed to give you security you can depend on.

Portland Locksmith will provide you with superior security solutions at a price you'll appreciate.

Anytime, day or night-we're here for you.

Call us 503-922-0016 now!

*Emergencies outside the city may require some extra time.

Satisfaction Guaranteed!
Portland Locksmith
Locksmith Service | Hours:
Phone: 503-922-0016 |
NW 3rd Ave, Portland, OR 97209
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